Marvel Drops Another Trailer for Avengers: Infinity War

As the culmination of over a decade of work by Marvel draws closer and closer, another Avengers: Infinity War trailer dropped this morning like manna from the sky just to whip us all into a frenzy.

Thanks continued  his search for the remaining Infinity Stones while Earth’s best try desperately to stop him, a tale as old as time.

Here’s the trailer:

The trailer didn’t exactly reinvent the wheel, but it wasn’t asked to do that.

It was supposed to give us snippets to begin conversations about the sporadic images.

One of the most important things it did was introduce us to the Black Order, Thanos’ motherfucker of a squad.

Those dudes are a problem, and they take care of Dr. Strange in a particularly violent way.

I need to get one thing off my chest.

In his war attire, Thanos looks like a complete bad ass capable of the destroying galaxies.

Without it, people on Twitter have made me see this Josh Brolin version of Thanos as an alcoholic divorcee who is ready the whoop those kids’ asses for the constant baseballs that fall in his backyard.

Now that I’ve said my piece, let’s get back to the trailer.

It’s extremely likely that we’ll lose more than one of the characters we’ve grown to love in this war, but it is currently unclear who that will be.

Thanos ain’t no joke in the Marvel world.

He’s going to slaughter some folks.

That’s a given.

Vision has the Mind Stone supporting his existence, so it’s safe to say he’s getting his face ripped off.

In the trailers, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, and Dr. Strange all find themselves in perilous situations.

With him being so new to the scene, we can somewhat safely assume Dr. Strange is making it out of that hoodoo acupuncture situation.

Also, the evolution of Thor as a character, including the loss of his eye and hammer, makes him an intriguing character moving forward. I don’t think they would strip him down and rebuild him in Thor: Ragnarok just to kill him off this quickly.

That leaves Captain America and Iron Man.

While my heart tells me Tony Stark will be killed, I’m going to go on a limb and say Captain America’s lengthy life finally comes to an end, and that becomes the rallying point for the rest of the world’s warriors to take on Thanos and his Black Order.

Without someone coming to his rescue, it is difficult for me to imagine a way Cap walks out of this bear trap.

The trailers give us more questions than they do answers, but that’s the sign of a great trailer.

There’s only one thing for certain about Avengers: Infinity War.

It’s going to make a billion dollars.