‘Minimalism’ Director Matt D’Avella Opens Up About EDCs (Everyday Carries)

Matt D’Avella has some really cool stuff happening on his YouTube channel. An AV expert, D’Avella shoots all original content (by himself) and regularly brings in creative people to chat on his popular podcast, The Ground Up Show. On Monday, the director of Netflix’s Minimalism: A Documentary About Important Things shared the basic tools required for everyday minimalist life.

D’Avella’s EDCs:

  1. Phone
  2. Car Keys
  3. Wallet
  4. Lens Cloth

D’Avella’s Everyday Wardbrobe:

  1. Basic Shirt
  2. Basic Jeans
  3. Belt
  4. Watch
  5. Glasses

D’Avella’s EDC Extended:

  1. Sunglasses
  2. Chapstick
  3. Water Bottle
  4. Tablet
  5. Altoids
  6. Bar of Soap??

Awesome stuff to chew on, although I don’t wear glasses…so the lens cloth doesn’t work. Instead, I replace the lens cloth with a filthy habit and tack on a pair of headphones.

Casey’s EDCs:

  1. Wallet
  2. Phone
  3. Headphones
  4. Snus
  5. Sunglasses
  6. Car Keys

You can follow Matt D’Avella on Twitter here. Or listen/watch his podcast and original content on YouTube here.