People are Very Excited About the Disney Princesses in ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’

With trailers like Widows and Suspiria haunting the Internet, the world needed something a bit lighter, so Disney stepped up like they have time and time again with the trailer for Wreck-It Ralph 2:Ralph Breaks the Internet.

Wreck-It Ralph is one of the more underrated Disney flick, failing to get mentioned when the greats pop up, and maybe it isn’t one of the all-time greats, but it definitely isn’t at the bottom of the barrel.

With the way technology is perpetually evolving and becoming increasingly complex, Wreck-It Ralph is the perfect vessel to explore that world without getting too heavy.

They do just that in the new trailer:

There’s an exploration into the worlds of social media, pop-up ads, and the obscure things you can find online.

It even breaks the fourth wall and dives into the world of Disney.

While people are obviously excited about seeing Ralph and Vanellope again and following them on another journey, it’s the uniting of the Disney princesses that’s really firing people up.

It’s the first time the princesses have been together since Kingdom Hearts (seriously, how do people keep forgetting Kingdom Hearts?), and it’s an important moment for women everywhere who have dreamed of these interactions.

It’s hard not to get excited for a new Disney or Pixar movie because they consistently put out the most entertaining movies of any company in the world.

And with a known commodity like Wreck-It Ralph, we know, at the very least, it should be really good.