ESPN Blows: John Skipper Left ESPN Due to Drug Dealer Extortion Attempt (Video)


An article dropped today at the Hollywood Reporter outlining the details of John Skipper’s abrupt substance-abuse-related exit from ESPN. Skipper, who was the brand’s president at the time, spoke with ESPN historian James Andrew Miller about the situation, and Miller transcribed their conversation for the article.

It’s a good read, one that leaves you with a lot to chew on. But the main thing that people wanted to know was what “substance” he was abusing.

As it turns out, it was cocaine. However, that’s not why he resigned; he resigned because someone he was getting his cocaine from threatened to extort him. So yeah, he wouldn’t have been in the situation at all had cocaine never been a part of his life, but it wasn’t excess or anything that led him to leave.

The topic was so juicy that I couldn’t wait to write it up. Up top, you’ll find an in-depth reaction to the Skipper-cocaine situation.

You can read the full article here.