Snacks Defends Macs: Was It McAdoo’s fault?

Damon “Snacks” Harrison went on The Herd with Colin Cowherd on last Tuesday, and what came out of it was a defense of former Giants head coach Ben McAdoo.

Here’s the interview:

First off, we should address the elephant in the room.

Colin Cowherd is an asshole for interrupting the Official Snacks Ranking.

I was interested in hearing about the contrasting flavors of the dark chocolate Reese’s and Chester’s hot fries.

I wanted to know what separated Entenmann’s Iced Honey Buns from the other various honey buns on the market.

When you have a guy named Snacks passing out valuable eating information, you let the man talk.

As for the McAdoo portion, it means one of two things.

Snacks could possibly being taking the high road here by saying he heard no one saying McAdoo was head coach material.

In fact, I’d be willing to bet a lot of money that he heard his fair share of shit talking in the locker room regarding his coach.

But I believe there’s some truth to what he’s saying. Snacks has always been a standup guy. In times of duress, he doesn’t mind allowing the blame to fall on him.

Despite him being Pro Football Focus’ Top Run Defender of the Year, Harrison took the blame for much of the 3-13 Giants’ record on Twitter throughout the season.

It makes sense that Snacks wouldn’t shift the blame directly on the fallen coach because that’s not his m.o., nor has it been since he has been in the league.

Still, that doesn’t mean that a lot of the issues didn’t begin with Mcadoo.

A couple of players came out anonymously and flat-out said he lost the team.

Of course, Snacks spoke up against the anonymous leaks in an interview right after they occurred.

“Whoever said it, whoever was anonymous, is a coward. Flat out,” Snacks said. “If you’re not man enough to put your name behind something that you feel because that hasn’t been echoed to anybody in this locker room. I mean, we could have talked it out if you feel that way. It could have went differently, but point blank, whoever said that is a coward.”

If somehow Snacks is right in saying that the issues weren’t coaching related, it brings up a more serious problem.

It would mean that the Giants’ roster is just that bad, despite all their spending.

We’ll find out in a few months which is the case, and if Snacks is right, that’s terrible news for the G-Men.