So…Joey Bosa and Starbucks Have Made Cameos in GOT This Season

Back in the day, I had a brief acting career in New York City. It was mostly a disaster…and included more partying than actual acting. Since everyone asks: no, there’s nothing you’ve seen. There was one time I was in an episode of The Good Wife, but only as a background actor behind Alan Cumming and America Ferrera, and it only paid like $100 for a full day of standing around.

Joey Bosa had one of these, too, except his was on Game of Thrones — much cooler — and he’s always got an NFL career to fall back on.

The cameo came during the Battle of Winterfell (S8: Ep.3).

Looking at it now, it’s probably better they did it this way instead of how they used Ed Sheeran once upon a time (below)…

In Sheeran’s scene, he’s such a recognizable face that you can’t help but look at him the entire time; it sort of ruins the scene.

Another cameo we should speak of is Starbucks, which came in the most recent episode of GOT.

This one, however, was definitely an oversight and unplanned.

I mean, everyone has a goblet (or horn, if you’re Tormond Giantsbane) and then there’s someone’s latte just sitting there. Oops.