The Kamikaze Interview: Eminem Hates “Relapse” As Much As You Do

In the first part of Eminem and Sway’s interview, titled “The Kamikaze Interview,” Eminem speaks about how much he despises his “Relapse” album.
Well, we haven’t received Eminem’s response track to Machine Gun Kelly yet but it looks like it’s coming. On Tuesday, Eminem sat down with Sway Calloway, from Sway in the Morning, for the first part of “The Kamikaze Interview” and it featured some awesome quotes and themes.
The first part goes over a lot of things, which we’ll get to, but right before it ends they tease the second part of their juicy interview. In that second part, we’ll get to hear Eminem speak on Machine Gun Kelly and Joe Budden — two guys who he has an ongoing beef with. In the tease, Em says, “Now, I’m in this fucking weird thing because I’m like, ‘I gotta answer this motherfucker.'” To me, that means there is a response track in the works. We’ll have to see the full context when the second part officially drops.
Earlier in the session, though, when talking about why he made Kamikaze to begin with, he talks about his albums that “wouldn’t be at the top” of his list. Among them, he lists Encore and Relapse right off the bat. And while he thinks Encore isn’t all that bad, he absolutely despises Relapse.
“Relapse is something that I looked after a couple years, went back to and cringed at,” he said. “I didn’t realize I was doing that many accents.”
Additionally, he noted that he was in a “weird, serial killer vibe kind of thing” when writing Relapse.
Personally, I agree with him although “Crack A Bottle” is still a song that’s on my playlist.
The A.V Club gave the album a C-minus grade while Pitchfork labeled it “so painfully unfunny that you can’t even bother to act offended.”
I’m not sure when the second installment is coming out, or when the response track will hit the internet, but having Eminem relevant again is good for the world.