FiveThirtyEight Put Out an Awful List of Rewatchable Movies

Just as the headline reads, FiveThirtyEight’s top 25 list of rewatchable movie is sort of trash.

But I sort of find it hard to fault them because the movies in question were submitted.

Now, I want to look more into he method by which this list was determined (I.e. who submitted the answers), but sadly, I think they were shamed so badly that the list was pulled entirely.

Or at least my small brain can’t find it again.

Still, the Internet doesn’t forget, and this Tweet still remains:

What a bunch of try-hards this voting lot is.

Admittedly, The Godfather is probably my favorite movie, but you know what it isn’t?

Easily rewatchable.

Sure, I could carve out a portion of a Sunday to watch it in its entirety, but that’s normally going to take at least a minimal amount of planning and foresight.

The same goes for the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Titanic, at least to some extent.

But at least with those movies, you can pick up pretty much anywhere in the action without feeling as if you’ve missed too much.

That’s part of my criteria for a rewatchable movie.

It has to be entertaining; it has to ; and it can’t be so long that you lose half your day.

And it doesn’t hurt if it’s easily accessible through streaming or constant play on TV.

Pride & Prejudice, Casablanca, It’s a Wonderful Life, and The Sound of Music, while all really great movies, don’t exactly fall into those categories.

But the massive issue with this list is certainly Gone with the Wind.

What about a 4-hour slog of a period piece from late 1930s screams rewatchable to anyone?

It might be the most pretentious choice I’ve ever seen in any film list ever.

Nothing screams film hardo quite like making the claim that Gone with the Wind is one of the most rewatchable movies ever.

And movies like Friday, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Die Hard, Mad Max: Fury Road (I’ll shoehorn this into a lot of conversations), Blazing Saddles, Office Space, The Goonies, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Departed, The Big Lebowski, and a whole slew of Disney movies didn’t make the list?

This feels like a loss for all of us, but mainly for FiveThirtyEight.

Be better, FiveThirtyEight and its fans.