RIP Mac Miller, You Deserved More Time

I’m watching The Office tonight, even though there are more important things I should be doing. You see, I watch The Office when I need a pick-me-up, and with the Mac Miller news that words cannot describe, I’m in desperate need of something joyous.

Mac Miller wasn’t my favorite artist, he was something completely different. (Note: Having to use past-tense for MM is sickening.) Mac’s music, to me, benchmarks low-points in my life. Other guys, like Asher Roth and Kid Cudi, align more as my favorite musicians but when I was going through things, I’d always lean on Mac Miller.

“Objects in a Mirror” got me through the hardest time in my life, a break-up that sent me into a complete tailspin. I must’ve played that song 10 times a day and somehow, I made it through to the other side. Likewise, I’d do the same thing with “Perfect Circle/God Speed” when the addiction monster started tapping my shoulder. The words in that song, while eery at this moment, steered me away from a potential nightmare.

He painted the picture so clear:

Everybody saying I need rehab
Cause I’m speedin’ with a blindfold on and won’t be long
’til they watching me crash
And they don’t wanna see that
They don’t want me to OD and have to talk to my mother
Telling her they could have done more to help me
And she’ll be crying saying that she’ll do anything to have me back

No one wants their friends to face their mom. No one wants people thinking they could have done more.

And as I sit here now, all I can think about are the people thinking those exact things about Mac Miller, real name Malcolm McCormick. It’s fucked, like to the nth degree.

Whether you believe me or not, I had a pseudo-premonition about this whole situation hours before the news. There was a tweet by Mac that came across my timeline about how he couldn’t wait for his upcoming tour to start. At that moment, I feel like I knew where his head was because I’ve been there, too. It’s like, an extreme feeling of boredom before you’re next big life event; you don’t know where to turn. Except for addicts, especially ones with unlimited funds, it’s a perfect time to get fucked up.

I felt bad for him. I knew what I would be doing if I was in his shoes, and it’s scary. Hours later, Connor texted me the news and it was like someone lit a bonfire in my stomach.

We don’t know the exact cause of Mac Miller’s overdose, but it doesn’t matter; it could have been any of us. The monster is sneaky, waiting to pop his head up when boredom sets in. It’s like the saying goes, “an idle mind is the devil’s playground.”

What if, right?

What if someone could have just gotten to him before it was too late? Would a message from some random fan have helped? I don’t know. What I do know, though, is that I wish Mac Miller was able to put on The Office right now — he deserved more time.

I cannot believe I just wrote about Mac Miller’s passing. Love you, MM.