Multi-Talented Indy Artists Like Tabby & Alexander Charles the New Normal

Multi-dimensional acts, like Tabby, Alexander Charles, and The Afternoon Edition are the new normal on the independent music scene.

Even if you’re super talented, it’s difficult to make it in the creative world these days. If you’re a one-trick pony, it’s even more difficult. Personally, I see this every single day in the writing world: you can’t just be a good writer. Instead, you need to be capable in audio, video, and pretty much anything that falls under the media umbrella. As independents, that includes marketing, design, tech, and so on.

Not surprisingly, the same thing can be said for the music scene. Now, I’m not talking about artists who slap their face on a bag of Rap Snacks for a payoff; no, I’m talking about rising indy talents who do everything possible to snag more exposure and provide value to their early followings. Music isn’t enough anymore, you’ve got to be hustling at every turn to sculpt an image and reach new people.

Two guys I follow from the indy rap world — Tabby and Alexander Charles — do this very effectively. Yes, their music is on point and that’s the main ingredient but their side-hustles are as much a part of their brand as anything. In an era where there’s SO much to consume, setting yourself apart with these extracurriculars is not an option but a necessity.


Charles, for example, pumps new music out every week as part of his “52 Weeks” project yet still makes time to cultivate a boutique fashion line and a branded sports betting show with Asher Roth. Similarly, Tabby is a talented emcee with thousands of spins on his latest single but has carved out a wildly successful gig reviewing albums on YouTube. So much, in fact, that he’s amassed almost 100k followers on YouTube.

What makes the side projects so effective is that they’re able to be tied into one place thanks to the platforms at our disposal these days. If someone fancies an Alexander Charles song on Spotify and decides to dig further, they’ll find all his projects whether they hit Instagram, Twitter, or his website. That goes the other way, too. If a fashion guru wants a shirt and doesn’t know of his tunes, they’ll certainly find them upon purchase.

This trend among indy artists also goes beyond rap music. Connor and Shane Noetzel — founding members of New York’s The Afternoon Edition — engineer audio and compose original music for film and other artists when they’re not playing shows or preparing their upcoming album.

As a new generation takes over the creative scene, the side projects and endeavors will not stop. An idle mind is never good so folks on the grind keep as much content flowing as possible. After all, as indy artists and creators, the additional ventures help fund future projects and personal expenses that make the machine run.

Disclosure: The Afternoon Edition provides the music and engineering for Slackie Brown’s “About What Matters” podcast.

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