The Herd Podcast Network Put Up CRAZY 2018 Stats

If the world was burning down around us and the only way to save humanity rested on a great sports radio show, The Herd with Colin Cowherd would be the show I’d dial up. Some people, like a certain Browns quarterback, would disagree but I don’t think it’s even close.

For the record, if Scott Van Pelt or Ryen Russillo still had radio shows, I’d say they’re in the conversation but they’ve moved on to other (equally awesome) ventures.

Having said that, Cowherd, now in a powerful position at Fox Sports, launched a podcast network this year — The Herd Podcast Network — in association with Fox Sports Radio. It features Colin’s flagship show — The Herd with Colin Cowherd — in full and highlight form, as well as a Doug Gottlieb basketball show — All Ball with Doug Gottlieb — and a football show — 3 AND OUT with John Middlekauff.

So far, the new venture has been huge in driving sports conversations around the world. According to ART19 via Colin, the trio of shows notched 111 million listens in 2018.

In the grand scheme of podcast networks, that number probably isn’t outrageous; The Ringer Podcast Network, for instance, is probably in the billions. Yet, for a small operation, the number is incredibly impressive.

Colin’s show probably makes up 75 percent of those listens but don’t sleep on Gottlieb’s show. Personally, I think it is the best pure basketball podcast out there.

I haven’t made it to 3 AND OUT yet but Cowherd wouldn’t have his name attached to a crummy show. Let’s hope he adds to it in 2019.

You can find all the shows on Colin’s hub,, or any regular podcast service.